25 September 2014

Erasure-coding: how it can help *you*.

While some of the mechanisms for data access and placement in the WLCG/EGI grids are increasingly modern, there are underlying assumptions that are rooted in somewhat older design decisions.

Particularly relevantly to this article: on 'The Grid', we tend to increase the resilience of our data against loss by making complete additional copies (either one on tape and one on disk, or additional copies on disk at different physical locations). Similarly, our concepts of data placement are all located at the 'file' level - if you want data to be available somewhere, you access a complete copy from one place or another (or potentially get multiple copies from different places, and the first one to arrive wins).
However, if we allow our concept of data to drop below the file level, we can develop some significant improvements.

Now, some of this is trivial: breaking a file into N chunks and distributing it across multiple devices to 'parallelise' access is called 'striping', and your average RAID controller has been doing it for decades (this is 'RAID0', the simplest RAID mode). Slightly more recently, the 'distributed' class of filesystems (Lustre, GPFS, HDFS et al) have allowed striping of files across multiple servers, to maximise performance across the network connections as well.

Striping, of course, increases the fragility of the data distributed. Rather than being dependent on the failure probability of a single disk (for single-machine striping) or a single server (for SANs), you are now dependent on the probability of any one of a set of entities in the stripe failing (a partial file is usually useless). This probability is likely to scale roughly multiplicatively with the number of devices in the stripe, assuming their failure modes are independent.

So, we need some way to make our stripes more robust to the failure of components. Luckily, the topic of how to encode data to make it resilient against partial losses (or 'erasures'), via 'erasure codes', is an extremely well developed field indeed.
Essentially, the concept is this: take your N chunks that you have split your data into. Design a function such that, when fed N values, will output an additional M values, such that each of those M values can be independently used to reconstruct a missing value from the original set of N. (The analogy used by the inventors of the Reed-Solomon code, the most widely used erasure-code family, is of overspecifying a polynomial by more samples than its order - you can always reconstruct an order N polynomial with any N of the M samples you have.)
In fact, most erasure-codes will actually do better than that - as well as allowing the reconstruction of data known to be missing, they can also detect and correct data that is bad. The efficiency for this is half that for data reconstruction - you need 2 resilient values for every 1 unknown bad value you need to detect and fix.

If we decide how many devices we would expect to fail, we can use an erasure code to 'preprocess' our stripes, writing out N+M chunk stripes.

(The M=1 and M=2 implementations of this approach are called 'RAID5' and 'RAID6' when applied to disk controllers, but the general formulation has almost no limits on M.)

So, how do we apply this approach to Grid storage?

Well, Grid data stores already have a large degree of abstraction and indirection. We use LFCs (or other file catalogues) already to allow a single catalogue entry to tie together multiple replicas of the underlying data in different locations. It is relatively trivial to write a tool that (rather than simply copying a file to a Grid endpoint + registering it in an LFC) splits & encodes data into appropriate chunks, and then stripes them across available endpoints, storing the locations and scheme in the LFC metadata for the record.
Once we've done that, retrieving the files is a simple process, and we are able to perform other optimisations, such as getting all the available chunks in parallel, or healing our stripes on the fly (detecting errors when we download data for use).
Importantly, we do all this while also reducing the lower bound for resiliency substantially from 1 full additional copy of the data to M chunks, chosen based on the failure rate of our underlying endpoints.

This past summer, one of our summer projects was based around developing just such a suite of wrappers for Grid data management (albeit using the DIRAC file catalogue, rather than the LFC).
We're very happy with Paulin's work on this, and a later post will demonstrate how it works and what we're planning on doing next.

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