05 February 2008

ATLAS CCRC storage requirements

For those of you reading the ScotGrid blog, you will have seen this already. Namely, that SRMv2 writing during CCRC (which started yesterday!) will happen using the atlas/Role=production VOMS role. Therefore sites should restrict access to the ATLASMCDISK and ATLASDATADISK space tokens to this role. To do this, release and then recreate the space reservation:

# dpm-releasespace --token_desc ATLASDATADISK
# dpm-reservespace --gspace 10T --lifetime Inf --group atlas/Role=production --token_desc ATLASDATADISK

Note that at Edinburgh I set up a separate DPM pool that was only writable by atlas, atlas/Role=production and atlas/Role=lcgadmin. When reserving the space, I then used the above command but also specified the option "--poolname EdAtlasPool" to restrict the space reservation to that pool (I also only gave them 2TB ;)

Also, for those interested, here's the python code (make sure you have DPM-interfaces installed and /opt/lcg/lib/python in yout PYTHONPATH).

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Greig A Cowan, 2008

import dpm

def print_mdinfo( mds):
for md in mds:
print 's_type\t', md.s_type
print 's_token\t', md.s_token
print 's_uid\t', md.s_uid
print 's_gid\t', md.s_gid
print 'ret_pol\t', md.ret_policy
print 'ac_lat\t', md.ac_latency
print 'u_token\t', md.u_token
print 't_space\t', md.t_space
print 'g_space\t', md.g_space
print 'pool\t', md.poolname
print 'a_life\t', md.a_lifetime
print 'r_life\t', md.r_lifetime, '\n'

print '################'
print '# Space tokens #'
print '################'

tok_res, tokens = dpm.dpm_getspacetoken('')

if tok_res > -1:
md_res, metadata = dpm.dpm_getspacemd( list(tokens) )
if md_res > -1:
print_mdinfo( metadata)

1 comment:

Graeme Stewart said...

2TB, you big meany...