07 March 2018

LHCOPN/ONE meeting 2018 at Abingdon UK---Or how the NRENs want to taake over the storage world

OK, So my title may be full of poetic license, but I have fortunately been able to attend the WLCG LHCOPN/ONE meeting at Abingdon UK this week and wanted to find a way to get your attention. It might be easy to ask why would a storage blog be interested in a networking conference; but if you don't take into account how to transfer the data and make sure the network is efficient for the data movement process we will be in trouble. Remember, with no "N" , all we do are WA/LA transfers.  (what's WA/LA? Exactly!!).

The agenda for the meeting  can be found here:
 The meeting was attended by ~30 experts from both WLCG and more importantly from NREN network providers such as JISC/GEANT/ESNET/SURFnet  (but not limited to these organisations.)

My highlights maybe subjective. and people should feel free to delve into the slides if they wish, (if the have access.) Here however are my highlights and musings:

From site updates. RAL-LCG will be joining LHCONE, BNL and FNAL are connected, or almost connected at 300G with a 400G transatlantic link to Europe. At the moment , the majority of T1-T1 traffic is still using the OPN rather than ONE. However for RAL a back of the envelope calculation shows switching for our connections to US T1s will reduce are latency by 12 and 35 % respectively to either BNL  and FNAL so could be a benefit.
Data volume increases are slowing , there was only a 65% increase in rate on LHCONE in the last year compared to the 100% seen in each of the previous two years.

Following the site update was an interesting ipv6 talk where my work looking at perfSONAR rates between ipv4 and ipv6 comparisons was referenced.  (See previous blogpost.) It was also stated again that the next version  of perfSONAR (4.1) will not be on SL/RHEL 6 and will only be available on 7.

There was an interesting talk on the new DUNE neutrino project and its possible usage of either LHCOPN or ONE .

The day ended for me on a productive discussion to agree that jumbo frames should be highly encouraged/recommended. (but make sure PMTUD is on!)

Day 2   was slightly more network techy side and some parts I have to admit were lost on me, However there were interesting talks regarding DTNs and open storage Networks. Plus topics about demonstrators which were shown at SuperComputing. A rate of 378Gbps memory to memory is not to be sniffed at! How far NRENs want to become persistent storage providers is a question
I would ask myself. However I can see how OSN and SDNs could do to dataI/O workflows what the creation of collimators did to allow radio telescope inter-ferometry to flourish.


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