20 February 2013

Sonar test to BNL

Low transfer rates to BNL - in the range of 10kB/s-500kB/s - was a problem that affected Birmingham, Oxford and ECDF for few months and it was affecting Manchester too since I've upgraded to SL6/EMI-2 the pool servers.

Transfers to BNL were the only transfers with this problem, other transfers to other T1s and the trasnfers from BNL had healthy rates; and other sites with DPM didn't have this problem. On top of it all the perfsonar monitoring boxes were reporting good rates too.
Some simpler gridftp trasnfers showed healthy rates too so it seemed the problem might be in FTS. Infact Wahid confirmed that FTS uses more streams. So I started to test transfers with an increasing number of streams and it turned out that up to 2 streams transfers were fine, using 3 streams transfers were wobbling and from 4 upwards the rates were terrible.

Looking at netstat in continuous mode this seemed to be confirmed by the fact that out of 9 streams only 2 and seldom 3 had a Send-Q value different from 0. Send-Q is the stream buffer if it is 0 it means there are no data queued the documentation says that's a good thing but to me it looked that if you have buffer empty on 7 out of 9 streams those streams are not used. So I tentatively labelled the streams with Send-Q values different from 0 as active and thought that if only 2 streams were active out of 9 there was packet loss somewhere.

 To be more systematic and replicate the sonar tests in the simpler gridftp transfers I did the following

I found out which files were used by the sonar tests and wrote a script which accepts the number of streams as a parameter to copy them. File names only differ by a number so it could all go in a simple loop. For each file I redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a logfile with a a timestamp extension I could then grep.

cat bnl-transfers.sh

for a in `seq 1 5`
  timestamp=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`

  lcg-del -l $dstfile > $logfile 2>&1
  sleep 2
  (time lcg-cp --verbose -n $nst $srcfile $dstfile) >> $logfile 2>&1 &


I then run the following

./bnl-transfers.sh 9;  ./bnl-transfers.sh 2; ./bnl-transfers.sh 1 

and the rates from gridftp told a clearer story

9 streams:
     47054848 bytes    511.15 KB/sec avg    522.27 KB/sec inst
     30539776 bytes    498.73 KB/sec avg    513.71 KB/sec inst
     23461888 bytes    383.14 KB/sec avg    386.98 KB/sec inst
     30277632 bytes    495.28 KB/sec avg    498.26 KB/sec inst
     29491200 bytes    480.80 KB/sec avg    507.73 KB/sec inst

2 streams:

   1777729536 bytes  28934.40 KB/sec avg  31978.57 KB/sec inst
   1776025600 bytes  28858.57 KB/sec avg  25437.87 KB/sec inst
   1261230486 bytes  41055.68 KB/sec avg  41055.68 KB/sec inst
   1354288154 bytes  44084.90 KB/sec avg  44084.90 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  32071.02 KB/sec avg  23708.53 KB/sec inst

1 stream:

    977272832 bytes  31812.27 KB/sec avg  31812.27 KB/sec inst
    515768320 bytes  16789.33 KB/sec avg  16789.33 KB/sec inst
    741832146 bytes  24148.18 KB/sec avg  24148.18 KB/sec inst
    348258304 bytes  11336.53 KB/sec avg  11336.53 KB/sec inst
    612237312 bytes  19996.25 KB/sec avg  19996.25 KB/sec inst 

I repeated then the tests every few hours for 10 times and the result was always the same.

After discussion on the GridPP storage mailing list with other sites with similar but not identical setup we reduced the possibilities to

1) Some ports being blocked when the number of streams increases which might cause a continuous loss of data and the TCP window size remaining stuck at 4k as observed by ECDF.

2) Tcp sysctl settings applied. Most sites have applied the sysctl  settings suggested on this page
http://fasterdata.es.net/host-tuning/linux/ and indeed they gave better rates than the much smaller settings we had previously and they worked for Manchester before the upgrade but for some reason not anymore after. They are characterised by a very large max TCP buffer size and very small min buffer size and a relatively small 87k default buffer size.

Liverpool, which doesn't have this problem sent their sysctl settings which were characterised by similar large max and small min and a huge, compared to the fasterdata value, default.

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 8192 1048576 8388608
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 8192 1048576 8388608
net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.wmem_max = 8388608 

after the change the transfers with 9 streams magically started to go at the same rate as the transfers with 1-2 streams

9 streams

   2000000000 bytes  22398.22 KB/sec avg   7929.77 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  19054.88 KB/sec avg   9210.10 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  18408.34 KB/sec avg  11112.14 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  20844.45 KB/sec avg  12711.16 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  46613.96 KB/sec avg   7777.58 KB/sec inst

2 streams
   2000000000 bytes  31913.81 KB/sec avg  27794.67 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  25398.24 KB/sec avg  17900.99 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  13359.27 KB/sec avg   8529.12 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  15738.32 KB/sec avg   6519.57 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  43306.54 KB/sec avg  36966.53 KB/sec inst

1 stream

   2000000000 bytes  22790.26 KB/sec avg  16394.90 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  21229.62 KB/sec avg  18154.65 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  18067.76 KB/sec avg   5438.63 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  19280.60 KB/sec avg   4531.59 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  20387.53 KB/sec avg  10513.79 KB/sec inst

We still don't have an explanation of why a setup with an initial buffer size of 1M works. All the network sites claim that that value should be kept small to avoid hurting small size transfers and the values reported are always between 65k and 87k never larger. And some sites like QMUL work fine with these small initial values. Still going back to netstat after the change all streams Send-Q values are filled with data and only occasionally 1 or 2 streams have empty buffers which looks a much healthier picture.

netstat -tape |head -2;netstat -tape |grep dcd
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State     
tcp        0 2364766 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35220 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1339838 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35219 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1580279 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35218 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1496295 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35214 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1361558 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35212 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1515119 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35213 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1401968 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35217 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1222623 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35215 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0 1255781 se10.tier2.hep.manche:35216 dcdoor14.usatlas.bnl.:21431 ESTABLISHED


The change applied worked well also for the other sites. For example Oxford before 

   2000000000 bytes    210.55 KB/sec avg    172.16 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes    237.41 KB/sec avg     38.85 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes    209.80 KB/sec avg     39.54 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes    206.65 KB/sec avg     30.98 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes    263.14 KB/sec avg    144.02 KB/sec inst

 and after

  2000000000 bytes  76593.14 KB/sec avg  76593.14 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  50468.35 KB/sec avg  29142.64 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  45316.12 KB/sec avg   2982.70 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  25631.56 KB/sec avg  12115.36 KB/sec inst
   2000000000 bytes  18548.20 KB/sec avg   7176.38 KB/sec inst


We are all wondering if it is worth to spend time learning why only few sites had this problem and why 1M initial buffer size is better for than 87k. But I suspect that since the transfers now work we will know only if we stumble upon the answer. A possible explanation of why a larger inital value is not reccomended almost anywhere is that sites like fasterdata suggestions are tailored for WEB sites whose small transfers are few kB of a WEB page while our small transfers are normally few MBs log files. Also I don't think WEB servers use multi-stream transfers and the fasterdata suggestion was working fine with a very limited number of streams.

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