There was an interesting workshop for members of the rucio community last week:
Here is the summary from the workshop:
● Presentation from 25 communities, 66 attendees!
● Many different use-cases have been presented
○ Please join us on Slack and the rucio-users mailing list for follow-ups!
● Documentation!
○ Examples
○ Operations documentation
○ Easy way for communities to contribute to the documentation
○ Documentation/Support on Monitoring (Setup, Interpretation, Knowledge)
○ Recommendations on data layout/scheme → Very difficult decision for new communities
● Databases
○ Larger-Scale evaluation of non-Oracle databases would be very beneficial for the community
● Drop of Python 2.6 support for Rucio clients
● LTS/Gold release model
○ Will propose a release model with LTS/gold releases with Security/Critical bug fixes
● Archive support
● Metadata support
○ Existing metadata features (generic metadata) need more evaluation/support
○ More documentation/examples needed
● Additional authentication methods needed
○ OpenID, Edugain, …
● Interfacing/Integration with DIRAC
○ Many communities interested
○ Possibility for joint effort?
Here is a list of my summary of these and other snippets from the talks I find interesting/thought provoking. I 'll point out I was not at the meeting so tone of talks n=may have been lost on me.
Network talk from GEANT:
Lots of 100Gb links!
DUNE talk:
Replacing SAM ( THE product from where I started my data management journey...)
Unfortunately not able to use significant amount of storage at RAL Echo
– Dynafed WebDAV interface can’t handle files larger than 5GB
– Latest Davix can do direct upload of large files (as a multi-part upload), but not third-party
– Maybe use the S3 interface directly instead?
• Recent work done on improving Rucio S3 URL signing
CMS talk:
Some concerns called out by review panel which we will have to address or solve:
▪ Automated and centralized consistency checking — person is assigned
▪ No verification that files are on tape before they are allowed to be deleted from buffer
★ FTS has agreed to address this
BelleII talk:
My thoughts:
using a BelleII specific version of DIRAC
They are evaluating rucio
naming schema is "interesting"
power users seem a GoodIdea (TM)
BelleII thoughts:
• Looking ahead, the main challenge is achieving balance between conflicting requirements:
• bringing Rucio into Belle II operations quickly enough to avoid duplication of development effort
• supporting the old system for a running experiment
FTS talk:
I didn't know about multi hop support:
Multi-hop transfers support – Transfers from A->C, but also A->B->C
XENONnT talk:
This is a dark matter experiment with some familiar HEP sites using rucio.
ICE cube experiment :
Interesting data movement issues when base a south pole!
●Raw data is ~1 TB/day, sent via cargo ship; 1 shipment/year
●Filtered data is ~80 GB/day, sent via satellite; daily transfer
CTA talk:
CTA is an experiment for cosmic rays as well as CERN's news tape system!
Rucio DB at CERN talk:
rucio DB numbers for ATLAS are "impressive" (1014M DIDs)
SKA talk:
RAL members get a thank you specifically.
NSLSII talk:
Similar needs as Diamond Light source DLS , possible collaboration?
Another site which does both HEP and photonics.
Has tested using globus endpoints.
XDC talk:
rucio and dynafed and storage all in one!
CTA (tape system) talk:
Initial deployments: predict a need of 70PB of disk pace just in the disk cache ! (am I reading this slide correctly?)
LCLSII talk:
Linear version of NSLSII based at SLAC, similar to BNL> need to use FTS to be tested. prod system need in the next year.
LSST talk:
Using docker release of rucio
Nice set of setup tests. Things look promising!
– FTS has proven its efficiency for data transfers, either standalone or paired with Rucio
– Rucio makes data management easier in a multi-site context, and tasks can be highly automated
– These features could prove beneficial to LSST
● Evaluation is still ongoing
– discussions with the LSST DM team at NCSA are taking place
Dynafed talk:
Dynafed as a Storage Element is work in progress
– Not be the design purpose of Dynafed
RAL/IRIS talk:
I would be interested to hear how this tlak went down with th epeople present
ARC at Nordugrid talk:
I still think ARC control tower (ACT) are the future. rucio integration with volatile rse is nice.