12 May 2008

CCRC May'08 data transfers

The plots above shows the slow ramp up in data transfers being run by the experiments during the May phase of CCRC. Clearly CMS are dominating proceedings at the moment. It's not clear what has happened to ATLAS after an initial spurt of activity. Hopefully they get things going soon, otherwise the Common elememt of CCRC might not be achieved. What is good is that a wide variety of sites are involved. You can even see the new Edinburgh site in there (although it is coming up as unregistered in GridView).

I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone of the base version of the gLite middleware that sites participating in the CCRC exercise are expected to be running. Have a look at the list here.


Greig said...

Looks like ATLAS transfers have now also started. Best place to look it the ATLAS dashboard as GridView has some inbuilt latency.


Also, the reason that ECDF is unregistered in GridView is due to the fact that the machines are on glite.ecdf.ed.ac.uk, but we have ecdf.ed.ac.uk in GOCDB. Grr.

Graeme Stewart said...

ATLAS are testing inter-T1 transfers this week, with rates of up to 1GB/s going across the T1 mash.

This isn't shown in gridview, I believe (and certainly not if you look at transfers from CERN). However, you can follow the action on the ATLAS T0 dashboard (this is the DQ2 instance being used to trigger the transfers).
